The sugar cane crushed in milling tandem. The maceration is added by compound imbibitions method.
Bagasse produced is utilized as fuel for boilers. The mixed juice obtained from mills is weighed in
mass flow meter and then heated up to 70 degree celsius temperature in raw juice heater. The heated
juice is sent
to juice sulphitation tank where lime and SO₂ gas is added to separate the impurities. This treated
juice is again heated up to 100 degree celsius to 105 degree celsius temperature in juice heater and
send to clarifier for settling
the muddy particles.
The mud obtained is filtered to remove impurities and the filtrate obtained is added in juice
sulphitor for treatment. The clear juice is send to evaporators up to concentrated, syrup up to 60
Brix & send to pan floor for crystallization for A Massecuite boiling.
In pan three Massecuite boiling scheme i.e A Massecuite carried in centrifugal machine then white
sugar obtained and gradation is done by sugar grader and packed in bags then sugar is stored in
sugar godown.
The final molasses obtained from after curing C- boiling in centrifugal machine.